Naruki Masuda's Home Page
Contact: nmas!uda!!dot!ma!!th!at!!gm!ail!!!do!tc!om (remove exclamation marks)
I graduated from Johns Hopkins in August 2024. I'll be a postdoc at Hamburg starting in October 2024. I am interested in homotopy theory, topology, category theory, and related topics.
Here is my CV (last updated: September 2024)
- The algebra of categorical spectra: Categorical spectra are $(\infty, \infty)$-categorical generalization of spectra (as in homotopy theory). We introduce the (Gray-type) tensor product of categorical spectra and study the notion of stability from the viewpoint of absolute (co)limits. As an application, we derive the cobordism hypothesis with singularities from the plain version of the cobordism hypothesis.
While this is the version I submitted for the thesis defense, I hope to improve it slightly before uploading to it arXiv, etc.
Research Talks with notes
Mostly handwritten, notes for a learning seminar or just for myself (and some are not even completed).
notes on past quals algebra problems from when I lead review sessions for first-year graduate students (may contain wrong solutions. large file).